Client: U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers Wilmington District

Contract #: W912PM-17-C-0013

Contract Amount: $2,762,232

Project included 2,000 LF of epoxy injection crack repairs along eight (8) center wharf concrete beams, replacement of the South Wharf fender system, replacement of the North Wharf fender piles and wales. Install two new concrete piles and incorporated deck tie-in and the repair and restoration of the existing wave attenuator system to include filling all steel pipe piles with concrete, replacement of cathodic protection system, waterblasting and re-coating of all sheet piles and pipe piles.


Marine Construction project in progress - warf repairs in Bay County, Florida | Inland Construction & Engineering, Inc. Panama City, Florida providing construction, general contracting, marine construction, design & engineering, diving services, roofing, & bulding rehab.