Roof Replacement – Main Post Office Columbus, Indiana

Inland was awarded a roof replacement project for the US Postal Service in Columbus, Indiana. Work included the removal and installation of 50,000 square feet of 60 MIL PVC roofing system.

Roof Replacement at Main Post Office Columbus, Indiana
US Postal Service Northern Facilities Construction CMT (Prime Contractor)
Contract No: 089495-15-B-0321
Contract Amount: $550,500.00
Performance Period: 300 Days (9/2/2015 – 7/2/2016)
POC: Eileen Walker, Contracting Officer (860) 285-7217

Removal of 46,500 square feet of existing EPDM roofing system, install new fully tapered 60 MIL EPDM roofing system with interior roof drains.

roofs Panama City FL