Client: NAVFAC Southeast
Dept. of Public Works
G. M. Hill Engineering
Contract #: N69450-17-C-8817
Contract Amount: $3,060,988
Work included installation of 90,000 SF of 60 mil HDPE liner, De-Chlorination and Dewatering of 9,000,000 gallons of water. Dredging 2,600 CY of submerged sand from the bottom of the existing pool. Re-installation of 1,500 CY of new clean sand at the bottom of the new pool liner. Installation of a 4-series electric pump motors, 20” and 16” underground utilities, 2-stack (4 tank) sand filtration system, 3 sets of Nex-Gen Chlorine Generation Units, and automation controllers to operate the pumping, filtration, and chlorination system.